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Choose from the following love readings below ⬇️


•Find Out How to Break Past Life Curses

-Ifa Guides You to Free Yourself from Negative Love Patterns.

Learn how to identify and break past life curses that are holding you back from living your best Love life.


•Get The Remedy To Calm The Anger of Heavenly-mates

-You may be experiencing with love due to your husband (Oko) or wife (Aya) in Heaven (Orun).

Want to know what your Oko/Aya Orun wants from you in order to bring harmony and balance to your love life on Earth?


Consult Ifa!


•Find Out How To Clear Bad Karma

-Dealing with toxic relationship baggage, karmic contracts, and spiritual cord cutting issues?Ifa Gives You The Spiritual Tools To Release Negative Energy, Create Positive Karma and Add Stronger Layers of Spiritual Protection


Book Your Ifa Consultation NOW!

Ifa Divination: Love Readings

Excluding Sales Tax
  • *The offering process is a MANDATORY PROCESS! It can include offerings of food, drink, and other sacred gifts, as well as prayers and invocations.

    By showing respect, love and honor with offerings/appeasements to Ifa and the Orisa, blessings of divine love and protection for your love life increase.

    -Failure to provide the prescribed offerings may result in unfavorable consequences.

    -Omitting your offering process it is not recommended.

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